An After School Drama Program for grades 3 - 8.

Theatre is an outlet for children to express themselves in a respectful and supportive environment. It allows them to learn vital communication skills as well as develop their imaginations and creativity. In the ACTING UP! program, students will learn the fundamentals of theatre, how to project their voices, and performance etiquette. Students with more experience will build on their acting and improvisation skills. All students will work as a team while growing their confidence. At the end of the session, students will have the opportunity to perform in front of their most supportive audience - their parents and friends.

Winter 2025 - Registration Closed!

Session A - Tue

1/7 - 2/25 - 4:30-6pm

Performance 3/2/5 at 2pm
(1pm call time)

Session B - Wed

1/8 - 2/26 - 4:30-6pm

Performance 3/2/25 at 4pm
(3pm call time)

Session C - Thu

1/9 - 2/27 - 4:30-6pm

Performance 3/2/25 at 6pm
(5pm call time)

Students learn the fundamentals of theatre and collaboration with others while growing their confidence.

  • All students will receive an official “Acting Up!” shirt.

  • Every student will have a speaking part (one to two kids can sign up to be stage manager/asst. stage manager and these will not be speaking parts).

  • Limit of 16 students per session.

  • Students must be able to attend the final performance date/time in order to participate.


  • Cost is $175 per student per session.

  • Step 1 - Complete registration form - REGISTRATION CLOSED!

  • Step 2 - Pay through the ACT website

    • Pay for Session A (Tue) - REGISTRATION CLOSED!

    • Pay for Session B (Wed) - REGISTRATION CLOSED!

    • Pay for Session C (Thu) - REGISTRATION CLOSED!

Please email Amanda at with any questions.

Classes will be taught by Amanda Ruby

Amanda holds a Masters in Theatre from Kent State University. Her experience includes acting, costuming, stage management, and direction, as well as teaching theatre at Kent State. Amanda is also a member of the Board of Trustees for Aurora Community Theatre. She is excited to introduce theatre to elementary and middle school aged children.

A Message From Amanda