Volunteers, Our Greatest Asset
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~ Elizabeth Andrew
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” ~ Oscar Wilde
Your Contribution is Invaluable
Theatre members and volunteers have long been the base of our theatre’s ongoing success. It is because of hard working individuals who devote time and energy into each performance that we have been able to deliver quality and professional performances over the years. We implore you to please get involved with the theatre. Not only is it educational, but we all have fun. No matter what discipline you are interested in there is a spot for you at ACT.
For general inquiries and volunteer opportunities, contact us for more information.
We are always looking for new and fresh faces to become part of the theatre. If you are interested in becoming part of our shows, we encourage you to audition. Earn local fame at the same time you gain experience. Come on out and audition!
Technical Theatre
So, the bug of the backstage got a hold of you, huh? Well then you have found the right place. We are always looking for volunteers in the following areas:
Backstage Run Crew Set Construction Scenic Artists
Lighting Sound Costumes Makeup Props
ACT is a teaching theatre, no experience necessary. Must be fifteen years of age to participate in the technical aspects of theatre. (OSHA Guidelines). Contact us for more information!
Off Stage
Volunteering is not limited exclusively to what goes on in the show, we also need help with off stage items as well. If you are interest in helping with ticket sales, advertising, ushering, intermission, and any other aspect of our theatre, we would love to hear from you. Contact us at your convenience.