Adapted from the screenplay by Stanley Shapiro and Maurice Richlin which was based on a story by Russell Rouse and Clarence Greene. Stage adaptation by Christopher Sergel
April 23 - May 1, 1965
(in order of appearance)
Betts Colebrook as Jan Morrow
Ann Beeson as Supervisor
Carol Diack as Miss Conrad
Ed Bracken as Jonathan Forbes
Ken McAfee as Policeman
Don Morse as Brad Allen
Rosemary Morse as Eileen
Carlla Shaw as Yvette
Shirley Baylor as Alma
Sam Fittes as Pierot
Laura Seaman as Mrs. Walters
Bonnie Weir as Miss Dickenson
Chuck Collier and Bruce Harris as Tony
Alberta Strack as Marie
Production Team
Director - Peter Kinsey
Assistant Director - Sue Keidel
Producers - Margaret and Robert Wickes
Stage Managers - Barbara Jewett, Jane Reiland, Carlla Shaw
Prompter - Betsey Tavenner
Set Design and Construction - Ed Bracken, William Brucker, John Deobald,
Lee Diack, Sam McNevin, Walter Pritchard, Richard Reiland, Charles Shaw,
Richard Shaw, Richard Sutherland, James Tavenner, Bob Wickes
Set Decoration - Ginny Noth, Carol Parrish, Richard Shaw, James Strack, Marlene Zazoulinsky
Lighting - “John” Ewald
Sound Effects - Jack Colebrook
Props - Cleo Duncan, Peg Funk, Bernard Murray, “Sug” Murray, Betty Wells
Costumes - Libby Arries, Lyz Barkett
Makeup - Dallas Allison, Dorothy Hissett, Vivian Pritchard
Publicity - Barbara Church, Rosemary Daugherty, Nettie Davies, Donna French, Temp
McCourt, Coulie Phillips, Ed Risk, Bob Salisbury, Roeder Taylor, Jean Watson
Programs - Mary Bracken, Sue Patterson
Advertising - Dallas Allison, Beulah Brucker, Ann Cantrell, Betts Colebrook, Carol Diack, Marilyn
Fitzgerald, Gladys Hanes, Nancy Highland, Shirley Lackamp, Betty Lampey, Jo Lindberg,
Carolyn Madigan, Jean McCourt, Betty Shadek, Carla Shaw, James Tavennor, Phyllis Taylor